IHS - Freedom of Speech and Internet Privacy
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Mindful of increasingly complex challenges to freedom of speech and expression arising from technological change, the Institute for Humane Studies is convening an interdisciplinary group of faculty and graduate students online to explore the relationship between freedom of speech, anonymity, and privacy online.
Join us online for a panel discussion followed by breakout conversations where you can share your expertise and tackle pressing questions with other scholars.
This event takes place online on Thursday, July 11, 2024, beginning with opening remarks at 4:30 PM Eastern Time and concluding with breakout discussions from 5:00 to 6:00 PM.
Please come prepared to discuss your current research and share ideas for future academic research or public-facing work, such as op-eds, on freedom of speech and internet privacy.
If you have research interests in this area, we encourage you to apply for this opportunity.
*All times are listed in Eastern Time
Thursday, July 11
4:15 PM | Room Opens
4:30 PM | Welcome and Opening Remarks
4:35 PM | Panel
5:00 PM | Breakout Discussions
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Homenaje a Armando Ribas
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